Monday, Jun. 02, 2003
10:18 pm

I demand equal shaving rules

Is it bad that I look to Christina Aguilera for lyrical therapy?

I have decided I want to boycot shaving my legs. It seems like after an hour I have hair again. Or I miss a huge spot. It's stupid. Why do girls have to be the hairless people? I motion we start an liberation. I don't shave until men do too. Know what? No, I change my mind. I wouldn't last two days. But I do think that I shouldn't have to shave every friggin day. Maybe my hair follicles are over active. I must look into a way to stop the madness.

Okay. So it is JUNE and the weather is so wet and cold. It's crazy. It is never going to get hot this year. It's pissing me off.

I need to go to bed. yawwn.

