Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003
7:42 pm

It feels like Sunday

Okay I think I am ready for a real entry.

I have lots to talk about but I'm semi pissy so I might not say all I want to.

Saturday David and I headed to go pick Paula up. It was nice to have someone to spend the car ride with. We went out to lunch and then went and visited my family. Wasn't much of a visit however, mom was out of town, Dad is mad at me, brothers had the computers shoved up thier asses. Jessica was the only one who really paid any attention to the fact we were even there. So thank you Jessi. We hung out there for about an hour and a half, more or less to stretch from the three hour drive. Was supposed to see my Bob but he got up late then things came up so we postponed our reunion. Went and picked Paula up and drove back to St. Louis. When we got back, Stefanie (Davids friend) invited me and Paula to come hang out with her and David. She wanted to have a bon fire, so he started one. I like things like that. Don't get to do them often enough.

Sunday was Pointfest 15. Was a beautiful day and a fun time. I was upset because the speakers were messed up during the Breaking Benjamin set, so the music kept cutting out. During Finch, I went crowd surfing. If you can call it that. I actually went crowd wading and then drowned. Or you could say I was dropped, Six feet, right on my head. Ow. I had a nice bump and bruised forehead, as well as a very bruised right side of my body. I got up sort of dizzy and dirty but other than that okay. David didn't let go of me the rest of the set. He had to "protect me from the moshers." I was getting picked on. This fat guy behind me kept rubbing his stuff against my leg and making me feel like I was being leg raped. Then this jerk in a red hat said "Hey thats the bitch that fell on her head." So I grabbed some skin on his back and pushed him. During the last song "What it is to Burn" i got jacked right in the face. Some ass flat out punched me. I kind of blacked out for a second and then instantly grabbed my face and moved my nose. At first I thought it was broken, but it just hurt.

The other artists were all decent. Socialburn was awful. I didn't see much of Ra, was a little disappointed because I hear they were the best. The Used was okay, trapt sounded fairly good, Smile Empty Soul was really good, Seether rocked my world. They did a cover of Nirvana's "you know your right" that made paula do a "what the hell" double take they sounded identical. (Hed)Pe fuckin said fuckin too fuckin much motha fuckas. I left before Staind came on. Cold didn't do much for me, and All-American rejects sounded good, but singer dude had an identity crisis and thought he was british. All in all, pointfest was awesome, had a great time.

Monday was supposed to take Paula home. Decided to go to Six Flads instead. Poor Paula and David had to wear long sleeves and jeans because they were totally burnt from the concert. It was a good time. They are both so much fun. After six flags paula and I came back and made spaghetti and played super nintendo. Well, I played, she killed men.

Today I took her home and here I am.

I dont know man, I can't think straight, so thats all I am writing for today. Off to read Hp4.
