Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003
10:53 pm

Four day transformation? Whatever

Went back to work today. Didn't want to, but I sucked it up and did it. Had a decent day. Got asked out by one of my customers. He asked what I did, because I look so amazing. I told him I got sunburnt. He said he wants to take me out. I jokingly was like "Okay!" and he said "Seriously, when?" and I was like "fhndsfhdsfjdsfsdf....uhhh...fjsfhdsf..." and he told me to get back to him. Damn myself and my inability to tell when someone is serious. Although I did look pretty today. At least thats what my coworkers thought. "Hey Stephanie, you look different today" "She looks...skinnier...and tanner...and prettier" gee thanks guys. I guess four days ago I was an ugly, pasty, pig? Yeah, welcome back to work.

Other than that, BLAH

