Sunday, Jun. 15, 2003
10:41 pm

Financial Aid woes

Diaryland is being retarded.

I bought some orange pine-sol and couldn't wait to clean. Luckily I also bought a utility pail, so I filled one compartment with orangey-cleanliness good stuff, one compartment with just hot water, and the other with my towels. I carried my bucket around and I cleaned the walls and my computer desk in my room and I cleaned my entire bathroom.

I've been really weird lately. With all this sleeping and cleaning I think I might be losing my mind. Tonight I went to my grandpas for dinner and after we ate, I cleaned. Like, the whole mess. I put all the food away, I washed the dishes, it scared me. I also cleaned the hard drive on my computer. Agk!

Tomorrow is laundry day. I've been putting it off. I meant to do laundry on Tuesday, but seeing how I put off taking Paula home, and the fact that i was completely broke and couldn't scrounge enough money for quarters, I put it off a week.

I received my FAFSA results in the mail the other day. I'm eligible for nothing from the government. However, I also received my letter from STLCC telling me the steps I need to take to get set up for classes. I can file an ammendment and might be able to get free school. Or at least VERY cheap school. Since 90% of my income goes to bills and necessities. The only reason I am ineligible for any government aid is because I couldn't file without my parents income information, and added with my income we collectively make way too much money. Stupid parents. I hope since I live on my own, and have for over a year, and have been finacially "cut off" from my parents for two years, things will look up. I overthink things. I will be able to do this, regardless. I have to.

I think it's bed time.

