Monday, Jun. 16, 2003
7:24 am

More sleep please

Why is Ozzfest on the middle of July, when every. Freaking. person. in the WORLD decides to take a vacation, the week after I take my vacation. Oh well. It's just an observation.

Don't look at me like that, It's 7:30. In the morning. I'm tired. And I have to be to work in half an hour, my shower is running, and I'm in no hurry to get in it. I am hungry. I need ice cream. I meant to get some last night and forgot. Now I NEED it.

Did I mention I've got a five pound slab of pig in my fridge? It's funny. HAHA!

Yes. I definetly need a little more sleep.

I'm dreading laundry tonight. But I am out of clothes. :-/