Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2003
1:50 am

this is a heheheeee

I smashed a gigantic fly with my waterbottle today, around 10 or so. It was still clinging on for life, I think I just startled it, so I stuck it inside the bottle to drown it. It's 1:50am and the damn bug is still moving. Interesting.

This is supposed to be a secret, but we all know I can't keep secrets. I went over to Davids tonight for an hour or so, we played the game Sorry, three times might I add. And I kicked his ass. ALL. THREE. TIMES. Whoot!

I'm tired as hell. Have to be to work at 7:30ish tomorrow. Have a meeting at 8am. They are bringing Krispy Kremes for breakfast, which means I have to wake up early enough to go get something DECENT to consume because seeing everyone eat will make me hungry. And I do NOT eat donuts. I will eat them, but I don't like them. The only kinds I can stomach are the chocolate cake ones and glazed, if I can get the icing off of them. I usually get a fork and scrape it off, then microwave them and get a napkin and blot them off. Too sweet. Agk, stomach aches thinking about donuts.

Have I updated once today. If not I went to the laundry place and made a new friend. Her name is Alexis, she's five. She was a doll. I see this kid and her mom every single time I go to the laundy place and this girl always looks at me like she wants to talk, but today she finally came up to me and said "come here" so I went with her, and she pointed to a car and said "thats mine" and I said "it's pretty" and from then on for the rest of the night I heard her life story. She was a cutie. My favorite thing she said.."Do you have a heheheheeeeee...do you have a *puts hand over mouth* hehehee" (goes on for at least ten minutes) "Do you have a hehehe it starts with a B-O-Y-friend." And I said, "Yes I do" and she said "How many" and I said "one" and she said "only one, why?" and I said "One is already too much to handle" and she smiled and said "Boys smell" and I said "yes, I know" and she said "heheheheee you have a heheheheeeee." Ahh, how much I adore that 5 year olds love me. Seriously.

In sad news, Cookie isn't coming back. I actually shed a tear. I'm going to miss her occasional Sex-on-a-stick features and ever changing layouts.

More later,


Poor drowning fly.



ps: my apartment smells much better. Thank goodness.