Monday, Jun. 16, 2003
5:42 pm

Sneaky BofA

My apartment reeks. It;s weird. about once a month I come home and It smells like rotting milk. I think it's coming from the upstairs apartment. It's so nasty though. I'm glad I'm not going to be home long. Give this place time to air out. UGHHHH

Bank of America is messing with me. 1. Stock went up $1.40 today, we're at $79.89 and 2. they send me a check for $2.50 to upgrade my maxed out credit card some card that'll cost me $80 to use. Whatever. I'm tossing that two ollar check. I got a pinecone check to make up for it! Whoo!

Off to do laundry.

that's becoming a key signoff line.

