Monday, Oct. 13, 2003
3:11 pm

V-I-C-O-D-I-N spells WHOO HOO!

I have a new layout here, compliments of Diva Designs.

Not too much has been happening around here. I don't really do much other than drink, sleep, and work. Don't I have a great life.

It's Columbus Day today, which means paid holiday! Whoo hoo! Gotta love working at a bank.

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, another big WHOO HOO! Unlike a huge portion of the human population, I love going to the dentist. I'm hoping that he tells me my little niblet of a wisdom tooth that's breaking through the skin needs to come out. Know what that means? More days off work, and VICODIN. I love me some Vicodin. But my parents have pretty much convinced me that my tooth is going to come in perfect. And that pretty much sucks. It does hurt like a mofo to bite back there though.

Anyway, that's life, I'm goign to go make some shitty bbq chicken now. I really need to invest in a grill. Mommy, Daddy, if you're reading this, my Christmas wishes consist of a grill (one I can work) and new car speakers, 'cause mine are shot.

