Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003
2:13 pm

Yummy dinner ideas is being a bitch today.

I think Im going to go apply at Papa Johns to be a pizza delivery girl. Seems like easy money to deliver pizza on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Plus, Christmas and birthdays are starting to come up and I need to be able to afford to buy gifts. I want to get David some new shoes for his birthday so I need extra money.

I'm hungry as fuck. I wish the grocery store people would hurry up and end this strike. I don't want to cross the picket line to get water and flour, but all I have in my fridge is....nothing. Milk? What can I make with milk and ramen noodles and canned fruit? Maybe a fruity noodle pie?

Anyway, off to hunt for a 2nd job. Again. Maybe this time I'll actually succeed!
