Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003
10:39 pm


Long time no write, huh? Well, lets see, whats been happening around here as of late?

Last weekened I went home for the first time since the last time I went home (July??). Hung out with my parents, went grocery shopping, got my oil changed, borrowed movies, ate dinner. Good times.

This week I worked alot. Had a pretty decent week. Thursday I treated Dave to the Mindless Self Indulgence concert as his early birthday present. It was the two of us and Stefanie. The concert was awesome. Mindless puts on a fantastic show. It made me like them way more than I had originally had. Jimmy Urine is hilarious.

We had a potluck dinner at work Friday. I made the 'main course' which was hommeade chicken noodle soup. I did a damn good job. Especially since the soup was prepared by extremely tired me at 1am. I got rave reviews and had to try to pass the recipe on, which was a task in its own right, being that I just throw things together and never go by recipes.

Speaking of cooking, tomorrow I am hosting a pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner for some of my and Davids friends. I'm scared to make my first turkey. One of the guys that comes into the bank tried to give me some advice "when the red thing pops up, it's done" and "don't forget to turn the oven on" gee, Thanks Vince. Amy told me to drink lots of wine, it helps ease the stress. I have a bottle of Boones Strawberry Daquiri (cheap, yummy, and enough to make me feel good for less than 3 dollars) wine in the freezer chilling for tomorrow. I hope I don't bust into it early. Oops, too late.

Anyway, yeah, I'm scared to cook for six people. I might ruin it! I've never really ruined a dinner yet, but this is the perfect time to do so. Everyone is bringing a dish, so that will help some. Besides, if I ruin the turkey I have three pounds of hamburger in my freezer, I can whip up a turkey shaped meatloaf or something. mm meatloaf.

Well, off to clean and make ice. Wish me luck!
