Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003
1:39 pm

chilly chili

What. The. Crap

I just went to Wendy's and got the Worlds worst chili. I've always loved Wendys chili, but I might never eat it again after this. First, it was cold. The cheese on it didn't even melt. Since it was cold that means it wasn't fully cooked, so the "veggies" were still really crunchy. It also had a very sweet flavor. Like someone decided to play Martha Stewart and spice it up a little with ten pounds of sugar. It was just horrid. And it was a big kick in the ass. Because it sucks when you are craving something so much and you get out of you pj's on a cold, lazy sunday afternoon to drive two miles to get chili and then come home after drooling for the entire wait in the drive thru and ride home and running from the car like a maniac holding this precious chili to your body in fear of dropping it and losing it, barely get in the house and shoes kicked off to get to the table to open this container and see cold chunky soup with unmelted processed cheese and what appears to be a chunk of frosty mix. *pouts* Now I am hungry and pissy. I guess I will go eat the crackers from the bag smothered in the yummy hot sauce they give you. At least they can't fuck the crackers and hot sauce up. Freaking Wendys.

My goal for the rest of the afternoon is to finish the book Bridget Jones' Diary. I think I will be able to do it. I'm already sucked in and I am only on February.

more later,

