Monday, May. 05, 2003
10:52 pm

Gobbeltygookity nothingness

Not too much is going on. today was a pretty dull day, as usual. I worked, came home, slept and went to K-Mart. It was really nice ouside. I did drive around for a long time. I rolled my windows down with "The Eminem Show" blaring on my speakers, my hair pulled back as much as it can, my sunglasses on, and just chilled. The sun felt so good coming though my windows burning into my arms. I'm glad summer is on its way.

I'm so ready for next week to get here. My incentive money will be on that check, thank goodness. All I need for me is a few shirts for work and two tickets to....dumdumdummmm POINTFEST. yes, I am still obsessing over that show. But I'm about to do somthing about it, alright? I also have to buy a dress to wear to Shanas wedding and I have a crapload of bills. But other than that, I figure I'll spend about 400 dollars and then have lots of money left. I hope.

Hm, other than that, the highlight of my day was getting to talk with David. Better yet, getting to talk his ear off. For some reason (*coughICECREAMcough*) I was really hyper tonight, and I was just talk,talk,talk. I'm pretty sure I annoyed the bejeezus out of my family, too. That's okay though. It's not too often I'm Miss Chatterbox.

Oh! I did manage to make Matt mad at me. That happens on occasion. I'm mean! Bwahahaha, I love it! Anyway, Matty-pooh, olease don't hate me too much. Don't hate Gabby either. She was just saying what I asked her to. *eeevil smile*

I've been hearing alot about this band called Boomkat, so I decided to try some of their music. I really liked Teryn Manning in Crazy/Beautiful and she has a good voice, but her "band" is awful. Dreadful. Bloody terrible.

I have to go make a SOE cd so I can drop it off at Guitar Center tomorrow and hope my favorite band boys get to kick ass and open for pointfest. Whahoo!

More soom


A Very idiotic Stephanie