Sunday, May. 11, 2003
9:08 pm

why can't I be Picasso so I can rearrange my ears

I want a bottle of Paloma Picasso perfume. Friday Sherry was getting ready after work to go out and she sprayed some and I almost died. It smells WONDERFUL. I said "Sherry come spray some more so I can keep smelling" but she wouldn't because it is super expensive. So I think I am going to start a "Paloma Picasso Perfume Fund" and contribute all of my spare change for the next few months into this fund and hopefully I can raise enough money to trapse out to Frontenac and get some. I might be able to get it at Famous...but I'm not sure. Will have to look into this.

I laid down around 6:30-7:00 to take a nap and these lous as hell little kids were outside my window shouting for the little boy that lives upstairs to come out and play. They didn't get the hint that after 45 minutes THE KID WASN'T ALLOWED TO COME OUT. And Iw anted to go outside and tell them to get thier asses off of my porch and go play in the street with all of the other stupid 8 year olds. I love kids. Don't get me wrong, but JESUS. It's frustrating when at 8:00 there are six kids between 5-9 screaming thier shrill little voices "Steeeeeeeven come play" *STEVEN IS GROUNDED* "steeeeeeven jump out the window" *I AM STEVENS MOTHER AND I SAID HE IS GROUNDED, GO PLAY* "Steeeeeeven we want to play with you" *stephanie banging head into the wall murmuring why...why meeee*

I think I am going to finally go get my ice cream. Considering my ass is wide awake now.

