Sunday, May. 11, 2003
10:32 pm


This is my third entry today. I have not said a single thing of importance yet I feel like writing again, anyway.

Last night with the 'bachelorette party' we went to dinner at Ciscos. I had the best chicken. It was called smothered chicken and it was a piece of fried chicken breast covered in this white cream sauce, broccoli, mushrooms, and parmesean cheese. I want to try to make it. It was delicious. Mainly because the fried chicken was just like my mom and I make it. It wasn't all greasy and stuff. and it was super salty. Mmm.

I did get my ice cream. And it was so good. I both love and hate having a steak-n-shake less than a mile from my apartment. Love it because when I get a craving for a strawberry sundae it is always open and so close. Hate it because when I get a craving for a strawberry sundae it is always open and so friggin close. ANd they have a drive-thru. ITS PERFECT. I threw a jacket on over my pj's and slipped some sandals on and was out the door. No one had to see me in my ugly jammies. And I GOT ICE CREAM. Now I'm going to be wired for a few more hours. Unless, you know, I go lie in my bed and pass out.

Have I ever talked about how amazingly comfortable my bed is? I know I have. I would have to say my bed is the main contribution to my extreme laziness. There are times when I will be at work, counting down the minutes to when I can come home, slip into some comfy pj's and crawl into my warm bed and nap. Adorn with a plush comforter, a feather bed ontop of a nice firm mattress, covered with my satin sheets and fluffy pillows, my bed is glorious. However, I would love to have the bed the mother in Igby Goes Down has (Yes, another Igby reference, What can I say, that movie ranks as one of my utter favorites!). That bed looks like the ultimate bed. It looks as if it is probably 5 feet off the ground. That's my idea of awesome. Having to use a ladder to crawl into a heavenly bed of pillows. All of this talk of bedding is making me want to crawl up in it with my book (Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging, yes I am aware that it's a book that is intended for junior high girls, but it's so friggin funny.) and read until I fall asleep. mm, yes.

