Monday, May. 26, 2003
11:17 pm

Chicken Scratch

This is what I do when I am on the phone. Sadly this is some of my less creative work. Must add this to foto log. (too lazy to link- see above 'navigation bar' for more details)

David and I went to grandmas for lunch today. Food was good. Family was loud, as usual. Had a decent time.

Yesterday we went to Six Flags. Had a good time. Got super tired. Came home and passed out at 7:30. Pissed mom off when she called at about 8:30 and I snapped at her because she should KNOW I was sleeping.

Day before went to the zoo. Was much fun. All in all I had a great weekend. I spend 95% of it with David and didn't get sick of him at all. Which is unusual. I grow sick of people quickly. Maybe it's because unlike most everyone else in the world (you know who you are if you don't fall into the people hating category) I actually enjoy spending time with him.

My three day weekend is officially coming to a close. Quite depressing it is, actually. Wish I had a roommate so I could afford to only work part time. Or at least to work full time and afford to go to school. Might have to look into that soon.

Tried to burn Christina Aguileras "stripped" cd. Too long or something. It won't copy. Pissed me off. I deleted the last song. Still won't copy. Pissed me off more. I gave up. Might have to actually buy cd. I don't like supporting pop singers, but I suppose her dirrrrty mantra is worth supporting.

that's all. please don't judge me by my sorry excuse for handwriting.

