Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003
11:53 am

Barbie Q. Girl And Hottie McMustardson

I think McDonalds should bottle and sell thier McNugget sauces retail. Seriously, folks. I'd buy the shit out of the barbeque sauce and drink it right out of the bottle. You could call me Barbie Q. Girl. yumm

I've decided I hate soda. I'm strictly a water and tea type of gal here on out.

Last night was another bum Halloween. Not a single trick or treater. Sat at home with Dave and we watched "Identity" and "The Italian Job" both movies are top knotch. "Identity" is really weird, but worth it. I just flat out loved "The Italian Job."

I made David go with his dad to visit his grandpa today. I need to get my apartment clean and can do it better on my own.

I have one containter of each BBQ and Hot Mustard sauce left. Should I drink them or save them. :-) Just joking! I know I should drink them!! Ew, come on, I'm kidding.

Before I leave, I just want to say one last thing. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO POPPY?!?!

