Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2004
8:14 am

I don't care who you are....thats not funny

I called in to work today. I didn't lie to my boss and tell her was sick. I simply told her I broke up with my boyfriend last night, I fear I might have an emotional breakdown at work, and I need to get some sleep. Then I told her, "besides, the customers are getting sick of seeing me turtle eyed." And I'm sure they are. I can't count how many times in the last two months I have come to work with puffy after-cry eyes and told I resemble a turtle. Nice.

Last night my dreams were flooded with him. Then first thing this morning I hear banging at my door, and hes there. I wanted to breakdown and cry, but my defense system kicked in and before i Knew it I was emotionless. That was a weird feeling.

I think I am going to get dressed and make myself go to work. I hate missing like this. It doesn't bother me to miss as much when I am sick or even faking sick, but to be out on an emotional day? That's not right.

Or maybe I'll go rent "Blue-Collar Comedy Tour" and watch funny rednecks. Is it weird that I am totally attracted to Larry the Cable Guy? Get 'er done.